
It’s Time to Celebrate 1 Year!

One year ago today I launched this project, my blog, with my very first post, That Feeling.

I began writing because I wanted to share with the world around me this joyous feeling I get whenever the Feast Day of Pascha comes. That Feeling we get as midnight approaches on Easter. That Feeling is pure and utter joy!

I want it…all the time!

Not just at Pascha.

Over the last year I have grown and learned so much about myself. I’ve fallen and gotten back up to begin again. I’ve questioned my motives. I’ve worked through challenges. I’ve wondered if what I’m doing is worth it. And I’ve wondered if I should keep going.

The bottom line is…

When I write about joy, when I write about ways to kindle it in my life and the life of others, I am at peace. I really, really do enjoy it and it makes me happy.

I need this project simply for me! It pushes me. It grows me. It transforms me…a tiny bit at a time, into the person I really want to be. It is a path that I will travel my whole life, this path of transformation. There isn’t a magic button one can push and PUFF, we are there. No. We need to work on it daily.

I’ve learned so much this past year. I am truly grateful.

What I’ve decided in all my questioning is that I don’t want to stop learning. I want to continue writing, growing, and stretching through these challenges. And I won’t worry about the outcome this blog but rather the outcome of how I, myself grow. I will simply take one day at a time, sharing and kindling and loving.

I want to celebrate this milestone with you!

I’d like to celebrate by giving away a package of the best 3 ways to kindle joy in yourself and in others: Kindler of Joy package! This package includes:

  • A framed art “Reminder” to post in your home where you can see it daily and remember your goals towards joy.
  • A laminated Pivot Prayer to stick in your wallet or on your dashboard or by your sink. Or all those places, plus some to give away and share with others.
  • A package of notecards so you can a kindle joy in the hearts of others and send a warm “hello”.
The actual set of note cards are still in printing. It will be a set of 5 with envelopes.

I want to celebrate with you! So, comment below and share with me your favorite way to kindle joy for yourself or in the hearts of others. I will draw a name from the comments at the end of the week, Friday, February 22nd. Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. I don’t have a very big following so this could be an easy win! I can’t wait to hear from you!

I will also be giving away a 2nd package on Instagram to celebrate my first year of Kindler of Joy. If you want a 2nd chance to win go and follow me on Instagram and comment there as well.

Let us celebrate together this kindling joy!  And remember…

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” (Phil. 4:8 nkjv)

1 thought on “It’s Time to Celebrate 1 Year!”

  1. I want to add one that way I find JOY!!! I have been a mom for well over 50 years now!!!!! I should not say that, am making myself feel really old! BUT I KNOW how it is to come home to a messy kitchen, a sinkful of dirty dishes, etc…. SO I USUALLY try to check the kitchen out if my daughter is not home and make it all bright and clean and everything in its own place…. and it frustrates me to no end if someone comes in after I am all finished and don’t leave it the way they found it!
    I am not writing this to win a contest, I am writing just to share one thing that makes me feel good. I truly hope someone else will follow suit and post their JOY making ways!



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